Research Projects

List of active projects, and highlighted completed projects


Immersive Virtual Reality-based platform for rehabilitation of upper extremity

Funding Entity Funds Duration Partners Website
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
127.000 €
Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos de Toledo

Principal Investigators: Carlos González Morcillo and Javier A. Albusac Jiménez


This project revolves around the creation and development of the “Rehab-Immersive” prototype, a novel approach for the rehabilitation of upper limbs in patients suffering from motor disorders due to spinal cord injuries, specifically tetraplegia. By leveraging advanced technologies like the Leap Motion controller and Virtual Reality glasses, the project aims to offer a more engaging and immersive rehabilitation experience. Unlike traditional methods that rely on repetitive functional movements, often leading to decreased patient motivation, this innovative approach involves the use of virtual reality to captivate patients’ interest and improve adherence to therapy. It prioritizes low-cost solutions by utilizing commercially available technology, allowing for broader accessibility compared to more expensive robotic devices.

Furthermore, the Rehab-Immersive prototype stands out by providing objective rehabilitation, offering data-driven insights into patient progress based on precise upper limb skill and ability metrics. It supports customization, giving patients the option to choose between desktop-based virtual therapy and a more immersive experience using Virtual Reality glasses. Additionally, the cloud-based infrastructure of the system promotes accessibility and facilitates integration with hospital’s Occupational Therapy Units and external rehabilitation centers, thereby fostering a more connected and efficient rehabilitation ecosystem. This project signifies a transformative step towards improving the outcomes and experiences of patients undergoing upper limb rehabilitation after neurological injuries.


Design and development of a platform based on VR-Shopping and AI for the digitalization and strengthening of local businesses and economies.

Funding Entity Funds Duration Website
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation & NextGenerationEU
175.000 €

Principal Investigators: Javier A. Albusac Jiménez and José Jesús Castro Sánchez


The last decade has seen a remarkable transformation in e-commerce, driven predominantly by advancements in technology such as mobile phones and internet accessibility, and a society that’s becoming increasingly digitally literate. New technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are pioneering this shift, offering enhanced, personalized consumer experiences. These innovations, however, demand substantial investments in technology and expertise, posing a challenge for small businesses who find it difficult to keep up. This burgeoning technological gap threatens not only the survival of smaller enterprises but also risks cultural and economic losses in communities, as local businesses often embody and sustain cultural heritage and contribute to local economies.

To bridge this technological disparity, VR-ZOCO has been proposed as a solution – a VR and AI-based e-commerce platform designed to empower small businesses. It allows these businesses to showcase their products virtually, thus overcoming physical store limitations and adapting to technological advancements without necessitating substantial resources. VR-ZOCO aims to enhance the customer shopping experience by making it more engaging and personalized, and it also promotes local economies by encouraging in-store pickups and local exploration, thus fostering a symbiotic relationship between technological evolution and the sustenance of local communities and cultures.


Mixed reality-based platform on 5G infrastructure for remote support and diagnosis among nursing, general practitioners, and medical specialists

Funding Entity Funds Duration Website
Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha
01/05/2024 – 30/04/2027

Principal Investigators: David Vallejo Fernández – Javier A. Albusac Jiménez


This project aims to enhance the diagnostic and support capabilities of medical staff in primary care centres. The main objective is to create MRP-5G, an innovative technology platform based on Mixed Reality and 5G infrastructure, to enable medical staff to interact remotely and in real time with medical specialists. On the one hand, the general practitioner wears mixed reality glasses that run an application capable of establishing high-quality, real-time videoconferencing sessions with the specialist via 5G infrastructure, as well as interacting with the real world. The specialist, in turn, uses a desktop application to interact and generate information and guidance that the GP can visualise in the 3D space rendered by the mixed reality glasses. This allows the specialist to access the primary care staff’s perspective live, providing verbal and visual cues through gestures and graphical markers. This remote care approach can be used from primary care centres, by medical and nursing staff, from the patient’s home or even in emergencies. The use of 5G technology is a key aspect at the infrastructure level, as its low latency and high bandwidth compared to other technologies are essential to ensure a smooth and satisfactory user experience in real time.


Recuperación de autonomía tras trastornos de la motricidad mediante entornos de aprendizaje inmersivos basados en Realidad Virtual

Funding Entity Funds Duration Website
Indra y Fundación Universia
24.000 €

Principal Investigator: Javier A. Albusac Jiménez

The project “Recovery of Autonomy After Motor Disorders Through Immersive Learning Environments Based on Virtual Reality,” submitted by the AIR research group of the Escuela Superior de Informática (UCLM), has been awarded in the VIII Edition of the Call for Aid to Research Projects in Accessible Technologies. The call, organized by Indra and Fundación Universia, with the support of Banco Santander, aims to promote the development of innovative technological solutions that improve the quality of life and social and labor inclusion of people with disabilities.

Out of the 21 proposed projects from various national universities, 3 were selected to be funded with 24,000 euros each. The selection criteria for these projects were based on technological excellence, viability, and the real transfer of the proposed solutions to accessible and affordable products or services.

The winning project, presented by the AIR group, aims to design and develop a free, open learning and training environment in collaboration with the National Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo. It is primarily intended for individuals who have recently suffered an injury resulting in motor limitations and require an adaptation process in the following months. The proposal includes an immersive simulator for learning how to operate an electric wheelchair, the virtual recreation of adapted domestic and work environments, and the precise recording of movements for an objective analysis of progress.