Publication in JCR-indexed journals with high impact factor
[J] V. Herrera, J. Albusac, J.J. Castro-Schez, C. González-Morcillo, D.N. Monekosso, S. Pacheco, R. Perales, A. de los Reyes-Guzman. Creating Adapted Environments: Enhancing Accessibility in Virtual Reality for Upper Limb Rehabilitation through Automated Element Adjustment. Virtual Reality, Springer Nature Link (IF 4.4) – Accepted.
[J] Sergio Martinez-Cid, David Vallejo, Vanesa Herrera, Santiago Sánchez-Sobrino, José Jesús Castro-Schez, Javier Albusac. Explainable AI-Driven Decision Support System for Personalizing Rehabilitation Routines in Stroke. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Nature Link (IF 2.0).
[J] Francisco M. García, Santiago Schez-Sobrino, Carlos Glez-Morcillo, Javier A. Albusac, José J. Castro-Schez and David Vallejo. RTC-MR: A WebRTC-based Framework for Real-Time Communication in Mixed Reality. Software Impacts, vol.23, 2025, Elsevier (IF 1.3)
[J] V. Herrera, J. Albusac, E. Angulo, C. Gzlez-Morcillo, A. d. l. Reyes and D. Vallejo, “Virtual Reality-Assisted Goalkeeper Training for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in a Safe and Adapted Patient Environment,” in IEEE Access, 2024 doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3519731
[J] R. Grande, J. Albusac, D. Vallejo, C. Gonzalez-Morcillo, S. Sanchez-Sobrino, J.J Castro-Schez. Virtual Reality Shopping-Insights: A data-driven framework to assist the design and development of Virtual Reality shopping environments. SoftwareX, vol.27, pages 101874, 2024. IF 2.4
[J] J.J Castro-Schez, R. Grande, V. Herrrera, S. Sanchez-Sobrino, D. Vallejo, J. Albusac. E-marketplaces, state of the art and trends: VR-ZOCO – an architectural proposal for the future. Applied System Innovation, MDPI, IF: 3.8, 2024.
[J] Rubén Grande, Javier Albusac, David Vallejo, Carlos Glez-Morcillo, José Jesús Castro-Schez. Performance Evaluation and Optimization of 3D models from Low-Cost 3D Scanning Technologies for Virtual Reality and Metaverse E-Commerce. Applied Sciences, MDPI, IF. 2.5, 2024.
[J] Santiago Schez-Sobrino, Francisco M. García, Javier A. Albusac, Carlos Glez-Morcillo, Jose J. Castro-Schez, David Vallejo (2024). MR-LEAP: Mixed-Reality Learning Environment for Aspirational Programmers. Software Impacts (Elsevier), 2024, IF: 2.1
[J] Santiago Schez-Sobrino, David Vallejo, Vanesa Herrera, Carlos Glez-Morcillo, José J. Castro-Schez, Javier Albusac. Interactive Video Application: A web-based open-source framework to build interactive videos, SoftwareX, Volume 27, 2024, 101772, ISSN 2352-7110,
[J] Javier Albusac, Vanesa Herrera, Santiago Sánchez-Sobrino, Rubén Grande, Dorothy N. Monekosso, David Valllejo. Innovative Haptic-Based System for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Visually Impaired Individuals: A Multilayer Approach. Multimedia Tools with Applications, Springer Link, 2023 – IF (3.6)
[J] I. García, J. A. Albusac, J.J. Castro-Schez, V. Herrera, and D. Vallejo. GVIDI: A system to improve the safety of groups of hikers based on real-time monitoring and dataset generation. SoftwareX journal (Elsevier) –
[J] Vanesa Herrera, D. Vallejo, J.J Castro-Schez, Dorothy N. Monekosso, Ana de los Reyes, C. González-Morcillo and J. Albusac. Rehab-Immersive: a framework to support the development of virtual reality applications in upper limb rehabilitation. SoftwareX journal (Elsevier) – [].
[J] J. Albusac, D. Vallejo, J.J. Castro-Schez, S. Schez-Sobrino, C. Gmez-Portes. Multi-analysis surveillance and dynamic distribution of computational resources: towards extensible, robust, and efficient monitoring of environments. Expert Systems with Applications, , February 2021, ISSN 0957-4174. Impact Factor 5.452.
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, C. Gzlez-Morcillo, J. Albusac, D. Vallejo. An intelligent tutoring system for supporting active learning: a case study on predictive parsing learning. Information Sciences, 2021, vol 544, p 446-468. Impact Factor 5.9.
[J] C. Gmez-Portes, D. Carneros-Prado, J.Albusac, J.J Castro-Schez, C. Gzlez-Morcillo, D. Vallejo. PhyRe Up! A system based on mixed reality and gamification to provide home rehabilitation for stroke patients, in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 139122-139137, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3118842. Impact Factor 3.367.
[J] Gmez-Portes, C.; Castro-Schez, J.J.; Albusac, J.; Monekosso, D.N.; Vallejo, D. A Fuzzy Recommendation System for the Automatic Personalization of Physical Rehabilitation Exercises in Stroke Patients. Mathematics 2021, 9, 1427. Impact factor 2,258.
[J]David Vallejo, José Jesús Castro-Schez, Carlos Glez-Morcillo, Javier A. Albusac . Multi-Agent Architecture for Information Retrieval and Intelligent Monitoring by UAVs in Known Environments Affected by Catastrophes . International Scientific Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Volume 87, January 2020, 103243 [IF: 4.201 ] – [link]
[J]D. Vallejo, C. Gmez-Portes, J. Albusac, C. Glez-Morcillo, J.J. Castro-Schez . Personalized Exergames Language: A Novel Approach to the Automatic Generation of personalized Exergames for Stroke Patients . Applied Sciences (MDPI), 2020, 10, 7378 [IF: 2,724 ] – [link]
[J]J. Albusac, J.J. Castro-Schez, M. Castro, J.C. Perez-Flores, J.Canales-Vazquez . Design and evaluation of a system for decentralized management of solidarity actions during the COVID-19 crisis . Applied Sciences 2020, 10(22), 8064 [IF: 2,724 ] – [link]
[J]Diego Molero, Santiago Schez-Sobrino, D. Vallejo, Carlos Glez-Morcillo and Javier Albusac . A novel approach to learning music and piano based on mixed reality and gamification . Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), 2020 [IF: 2.313 ] – [link]
[J]C. Gmez-Portes, C. Lacave, A.I. Molina, D. Vallejo. . Home rehabilitation based on gamification and serious games for young people: a systematic mapping study. . Applied Sciences (MDPI), Special Issue on Therapy and Health, 2020. [IF: 2.474 ] – [link]
[J]F. Álvarez-Bazo, S. Sánchez-Cambronero, D. Vallejo, C. Glez-Morcillo, A. Rivas, I. Gallego . A low-cost Automatic Vehicle Identification sensor for traffic networks analysis. . Sensors (MDPI), 20(19), 5589, 2020. [IF: 3.275 ] – [link]
[J]S. Sánchez, M.A. García, C. Lacave, A.I. Molina, C. Glez-Morcillo, D. Vallejo, and M.A. Redondo. A modern approach to supporting program visualization: from a 2D notation to 3D representations using augmented reality. . Multimedia Tools and Applications (2020), 2020. [IF: 2.313 ] – [link]
[J]S. Sánchez, M.A. García, C. Lacave, A.I. Molina, C. Glez-Morcillo, D. Vallejo, and M.A. Redondo . A modern approach to supporting program visualization: from a 2D notation to 3D representations using augmented reality. . Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020. [IF: 2.313 ] – [link]
[J]S. Sánchez, D. Vallejo, C. Glez-Morcillo, M.A. Redondo and J.J. Castro-Schez. RoboTIC: a serious game based on augmented reality for learning programming. . Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020. [IF: 2.313 ] – [link]
[J] S. Sánchez, D. Vallejo, D.N. Monekosso, C. Glez-Morcillo, and P. Remagnino . A Distributed Gamified System Based on Automatic Assessment of Physical Exercises to Promote Remote Physical Rehabilitation. . IEEE Access, 8(1):91424-91434, 2020. [IF: 4.098 ] – [link]
[J]S. Schez-Sobrino, C. Gmez-Portes, D. Vallejo, C. Glez-Morcillo, and M.A. Redondo. An Intelligent Tutoring System to Facilitate the Learning of Programming through the Usage of Dynamic Graphic Visualizations. . Applied Sciences (MDPI), 10(4):1-14, 2020. [IF: 2.217 ] – [link]
[J]J. Albusac, D. Vallejo, J.J Castro-Schez, C. Gzlez-Morcillo . An expert fuzzy system for improving safety on pedestrian crossings by means of visual feedback . Control Engineering Practice, v.75, p.p 38-54, 2018 [IF: 3,232 ] – [link]
[J]J.J. Castro-Schez, J. Gallardo, R. Miguel, and D. Vallejo. Knowledge based systems to enhance learning: A case study on formal languages and automata theory. . Knowledge-Based Systems (Elsevier), vol. 122, pp. 180-198, 2017. [IF: 5.101 ] – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, J. Gallardo R. Miguel, D. Vallejo . Knowledge-based systems to enhance learning: A case study on Formal Languages and Automata Theory Knowledge-Based Systems . Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017, vol 122, p 180-198. [IF: 4.396 ] – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, M.A. Redondo, F. Jurado, J. Albusac . Experience applying Language Processing techniques to develop educational software that allow active learning methodologies by advising students . Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 41, 65-79, 2014. [IF: 1.467 ] – [link]
[J] D. Vallejo, J. Albusac, C. Glez-Morcillo, J.J. Castro-Schez, L. Jiménez . A Multi-Agent Approach to Intelligent Monitoring in Smart Grids . International Journal of Systems Science, Special Issue on Intelligent multisensory systems in support of information society, 45(4):756-777. [IF: 1.305 ] – [link]
[J-JCR] D. Vallejo, F. Villanueva, J. Albusac, C. Glez-Morcillo, and J.J. Castro-Schez . Intelligent Surveillance for understanding events in urban traffic environments . Special Issue on Sensing, Perceiving, and Understanding Actions, Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (Hindawi) [IF: 0.92 ] – [link]
[J] J. Albusac, D. Vallejo, J.J. Castro-Schez, C. Glez-Morcillo, and L. Jiménez . Dynamic Weighted Aggregation for Normality Analysis in Intelligent Surveillance Systems Expert Systems With Applications . Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), vol 41(4), pp. 2008-2022, 2014 [IF: 1.854 ] – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, R. Miguel, V. Herrera, J. Albusac . Supporting Multi-Criteria Decisions Based on a Hierarchical Structure by Taking Advantage of Acquired Knowledge . Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 13, No. 1, 509-526, 2013. [IF: 2.61 ] – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, J.M. Murillo, R. Miguel, X. Luo . Knowledge acquisition based on learning of maximal structure fuzzy rules . Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 44, 112-120, 2013. [IF: 4.1 ] – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, M.A. Redondo, J. Gallardo, F. Jurado . Designing and developing software for educative virtual laboratories with language processing techniques: lessons learned in practical experiments . J. Research and Practice in Information Technology. Vol. 44, No. 3, 289-308, 2012. [IF: 0.22 ] – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, R. Miguel, D. Vallejo, L.M. López-López . A Highly Adaptive Recommender System based on Fuzzy Logic for B2C e-Commerce Portals . Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2441-2454, 2011. [IF: 2.2 ] – [link]
[J] D. Vallejo, J. Albusac, J.J. Castro-Schez, C. Glez-Morcillo, L. Jiménez . A Multi-Agent Architecture for Supporting Distributed Normality-based Intelligent Surveillance . Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, 24(2):325-340 [IF: 1.625 ] – [link]
[J] Javier Albusac, David Vallejo, Jose Jesus Castro-Sanchez, L. Jimenez-Linares . OCULUS Surveillance System: Fuzzy On-Line Speed Analysis from 2D Images . Expert System with Applications, 38(10):12791-12806, Elsevier, 2011 [IF: 2.908 ] – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, R. Miguel, D. Vallejo, V. Herrera . A Multi-Agent Architecture to Support B2C e-Marketplaces: the e-ZOCO Case Study. Internet Research, Vol. 20, No. 3, 255-275, 2010. [IF: 1.15 ] – [link]
[J] D. Vallejo, J. Albusac, J.A. Mateos, C. Glez-Morcillo, L. Jiménez . A Modern Approach to MultiAgent Development . Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, 83(3):467-484 [IF: 1.135 ] – [link]
[J] J. Albusac, D. Vallejo, J.J. Castro-Schez, P. Remagnino, C. Glez-Morcillo, L. Jimenez . Monitoring Complex Environments Using a Knowledge-Driven Approach Based on Intelligent Agents . IEEE Intelligent Systems, 25(3):24-31, 2010 [IF: 2.278 ] – [link]
[J] Javier Albusac, J.J Castro-Schez, L.M. Lopez-Lopez, David Vallejo, L. Jimenez-Linares. A Supervised Learning Approach to Automate the Acquisition of Knowledge in Surveillance Systems. J. Signal Processing. Vol. 89, No: 12, 2400-2414, 2009 (índice de impacto 1.256).
[J] Javier Albusac, David Vallejo, L. Jimenez-Linares, J.J Castro-Schez, L. Rodriguez-Benitez. Intelligent Surveillance based on Normality Analysis to Detect Abnormal Behaviors, in International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Special issue on Visual Analysis and Understanding for Surveillance Applications, 23(7):1223-1244, 2009 (impact factor 0.66).
[J] David Vallejo, Javier Albusac, L. Jimenez-Linares, Carlos González, Juan Moreno. A Cognitive Surveillance System for Detecting Incorrect Traffic Behaviors, in Expert System with Applications, 46(3):10503-10511, Elsevier, 2009 (índice de impacto 2.596).
[J] L. Rodriguez-Benitez, Juan Moreno-Garcia, J.J Castro-Schez, Javier Albusac, L. Jimenez-Linares. Automatic Object Behavior Recognition from Compressed Video Domain. Image and Vision Computing, 27(6), pp. 648-657, 2009. (IF – 1.496).
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, E. del Castillo, J. Hortolano, A. Rodriguez . Designing and Using Software Tools for Educational Purposes: FLAT, a Case Study . IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 52, No. 1, 66-74, 2009. [IF: 0.822 ] – [link]
[J] R. Manjavacas, J.J. Castro-Schez, J. Moreno-Garcia . A Fuzzy-Evolutionary Seller Agent for an Automatic Negotiation Framework on E-Commerce . Mathware & Soft Computing, Vol. XIII, No. 2, 111-126, 2006. – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, L. Jimenez, J. Moreno, L. Rodriguez . Using Fuzzy Repertory Table-based Technique for Decision Support . Decision Support Systems, Vol. 39, No. 3, 293-307, 2005. [IF: 0.946 ] – [link]
[J] J.J. Castro-Schez, J.L. Castro, J.M. Zurita . Fuzzy Repertory Table, a Method for Acquiring Knowledge about Input Variables to Machine Learning Algorithm . IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1, 123-139, 2004. [IF: 1.37 ] – [link]
[J] J. J. Castro-Schez, N. R. Jennings, X. Luo, and N. Shadbolt . Acquiring domain knowledge for negotiating agents: a case of study . Int. J. of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 61, No. 1, 3-31, 2004. [IF: 1.22 ] – [link]
[J] J. Moreno, L. Jimenez, J.J. Castro-Schez, L. Rodriguez . A Direct Linguistic Induction Method for Systems . Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 146, No. 1, 79-96, 2004. [IF: 0.73 ] – [link]
[J] J.L. Castro, J.J. Castro-Schez, J.M. Zurita . Use of machine learning technique in the knowledge acquisition process . Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 123, No. 3, 307-320, 2001. [IF: 0.47 ] – [link]
[J] J.L. Castro, J.J. Castro-Schez, J.M. Zurita . Learning maximal structure rules in fuzzy logic for knowledge acquisition in expert systems . Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 101, No. 3, 331-342, 1999. [IF: 0.47 ] – [link]
[J] J.L. Castro, J.J. Castro-Schez, A. Espin, J.M. Zurita . A methodology for knowledge-based systems . Mathware and Soft Computing, Vol. V, No.2-3, 345-353, 1998. – [link]